
Showing posts from December, 2021

Roof Wash or Roof Replacement

Hey there! Is your roof dirty? It might be time to wash it. We have all sorts of reasons why you should clean the surface, but here are just a few highlights for you! If not, call us and we can do it for you. And if that's not enough reason, how about these other benefits? You'll save money on energy bills - roofs with moss will reflect more light back into the sky which means less heat in your home or office building. Plus, your roof is wearing out faster because water doesn't slide off as easily when there's algae covering it up--not to mention that black stuff will cause mold growth inside your house! Get rid of those pesky problems by washing away the dirt and grime today! - Currently the price of a new roof can cost 10,000-15,000.00 or more . -Roof washing is less expensive than replacement.  -Removing mold and algae from your roof can help extend its life span for additional 5-10 years.   Customary Professionals provides free quotes and assessments so that homeown...

NO EXCUSES/ START NOW 10 side hustles you can start for under $500

NO EXCUSES/ START NOW 10 Side Hustles You Can Start For Under $500 with Brayson Doward  Are you in need of a little extra income? Are you tired of your day job and looking for something new? If so, then this article is for you! In today's post, we will be discussing 10 businesses that can be started for under $500. So whether you are an entrepreneur at heart or just looking to make some extra cash on the side, these businesses are perfect for you! So what are you waiting for? Start reading and get inspired! 1. WINDOW CLEANING Starting a window cleaning business can either be cheap or expensive. The startup costs depend on whether you have the supplies, vehicles and employees to do so as well as how much time investing into getting started would take away from other aspects of your job (such as managing clients). From there it's just figuring out which type suits best for what kind in order maximize profits while minimizing risks involved such outsourcing work entirely if possib...

6 Tips to help you stay motivated in January

    Are you one of those people who are not looking forward to the new year because they feel like they could have done more in the past year? I know it's hard but if you follow these six tips, then your next New Year will be a lot better.  1. Create a new file folder for the upcoming year 2. Label each month with what you want to accomplish in that month 3. Start saving money now so you can take an extra vacation or do something fun next year 4. Clean up your home and get rid of any clutter before the new year starts 5. Make a list of all the things you're thankful for this past year, whether it's family, friends, or even just being alive another day  6. Read through your goals from last year and see if there are anything else you would like to add on this coming year   When you think about the next year, what are your top priorities? What would be on your to-do list for 2022 if it were an option? We’ve compiled a list of best practices that will help make this...

Getting ready for Xmas

  Getting ready for Christmas We can’t help it. We love Christmas. As such, knowing how to prepare for Christmas early is practically in our blood. We have 9 kids so planning is everything!The very simple way to start is to make a list. Once you have a list, everything is so much more manageable. Advance holiday planning truly puts you in charge, and can help alleviate all those unpleasant things that can come with Christmas if you don’t prepare early; stress, debt, and chaos! Here are 9 tips to make your holiday preparation smooth process. 1. Work out a budget Before you even start really thinking about getting ready for Christmas, you need to work out your budget so that you can prepare wisely. Remember to involve everything you will need. This includes; food, decorations, presents, outings, obligatory tacky jumpers…even postage stamps for Christmas cards and parking at the shopping centre. Work out what you will need to spend and where and write it all down. You can then get a b...