How Often Should You Get Your Solar Panels Cleaned???
If you’ve had solar panels installed on your home, there is probably one question that has been burning at the back of your head – how often should I clean my solar panels? Regular cleaning is an important part of solar panel maintenance and something you will need within the first year of installation, as clean panels are more efficient and will get you the most bang for your buck. Let’s take a closer look at how often you should get your solar panels cleaned, who should be doing the cleaning, and why they cleaned in the first place. Why Do Solar Panels Need Cleaned? Before we get into how often they need cleaned, let’s look at why solar panels need regular cleaning in the first place. Not everyone realizes that solar panels can get very dirty in a short time, which makes sense when you consider that they are outside 24/7 and at the mercy of the elements. When dirt and grime build up on the surface of the panel, it reduces the performance of the photovoltaic system, which works ...